blog love
It looks like it is time for another round of Leibster Awards. Thank you so much to the amazing Madi from And So I Did for nominating me.
Madi’s questions 1. What is your favourite sweet treat? In the summer, hands down Lifesaver popsicles. They save me. Really. 2. Describe your dream vacation. Any and all. I love to travel. I have the wanderlust you could say. Europe has always been a dream of mine. Obviously, because Europeans do it better. Everything that is. More specifically, I would have to say anywhere under the Tuscan sun with a glass of wine is always at the top of the always growing list. 3. What is your favourite quality about yourself? Probably my compassion. Although, sometimes it isn’t because I seem to have too much of it. Which can make my heart heavy. 4. One thing you wish you could learn. Too carry a tune? I love to belt it out in the car, walking down the street or in my living room. Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone but my blinded by love husband actually wants to hear it. 5. Favourite dinner? This surely could have a million answers. My teenage self wants to immediately say pizza mmmmmm but should I actually have my big girl panties on I would have to say eggplant parmesan. 6. What is the best way to surprise you? In a good way. I would totally love it if someone would surprise me with a trip. On more attainable level, I love to be surprised with coffee. Those are good moments. 7. Why do you blog? Originally, I started blogging to help keep in touch with family when we moved away. Since then I have found this amazing blogging community to connect with. I love having a past to journal all my crazy but really it is the people I have met along the way that motivate to continue this journey. 8. What is the best gift you have ever received? Oddly, the first one that pops to mind was a wedding gift. All through high school, it was a joke between my best friend and I that she was going to get me a bread maker as a wedding gift. Her mom was always baking and the house always smelled amazing. I forgot about it as we got older. Apparently, she didn’t. It is definitely the most special kitchen appliance ever. 🙂 9. What is your ideal fashion style? I love all things pretty, girly, classic, Audrey Hepburn style. I love to get all dressed up and feel like a million bucks. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of need for that here in my small beach town life. 10. Do you have pets? If so, who are they? Yes, I have two cats. Tigger and Mary. Mary thinks she needs to eat all the things. Ever. Tigger has no idea he is in fact a cat not a baby. Both are like little shadows everywhere I go.
11. Tell us one goal you will achieve by December 31, 2014. I sort of fell off of the running wagon this summer for various reasons. It is my goal to get back at it and reduce my 10K time. I am currently at about 1 hour 15 min but I would love to be closer to the hour mark by then. 11 random facts about me
1. I signed up for the TinkerBell 10K at Disneyland in May next year. 2. I once wrote and illustrated a Winnie the Pooh book. 3. I used to love to draw and do all kinds of artsy stuff but I haven’t picked it up in years. 4. I cross-stitch but always give away whatever I make. 5. I am allergic to blackberries. They give me hives and it makes me sad. 6. I went to the same private Christian college in Calgary, AB as my papa did. 7. I still listen to the Frozen soundtrack most nights to go to sleep. 8. I get deja-vu a lot. 9. I know that there are 20 Fridays till Christmas and I am not ashamed. 10. I recently got my first pair of Hunter boots and I am dying to wear them. 11. Sometimes I miss working at Sterling. Don’t tell anyone.
11 questions for my nominees
1. What is your favourite blog to follow? Why? 2. What is the most used app on your phone? 3. What is one thing you are afraid to do but want to? 4. What song really gets you going? 5. If you could be famous for something, what would it be? 6. What do you want for your next birthday? 7. If you were invited to a potluck what would you bring? 8. What is your favourite motivational quote? 9. If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? 10. Worst vacation moment? 11. What is the one make-up item you can’t live without?
I nominate
Kara from The Simple Life Blog Laurie from Andiamo Miriam from Farm Girl Haley from Truth Be Told Kari from The Kari Diaries Ginny from Buttergirl Diaries Nay at Coffee-n-Ink Kerri from Cheshire Kat Holly from Between Here and There Christine from Kouisse’s Korner
There’s weddings and babies and a tons of other fun stuff going on with some of these fabulous ladies. So, I totally understand if you don’t have time to blog much at the moment I just wanted to spread the blog love around where it is deserved. 🙂