I can hardly believe it is the last day of March already. I mean, really? Where did this month go anyway? It has been a hard month around these parts. I know, I definitely wouldn’t of made it through without the love and support of my awesome husband. Speaking of that cool guy, it is time for another Blogger Men Tell All link up. I love these link ups and the opportunity to get to know more about the amazing men behind all these incredible ladies in this blogging community. It just gives us all a little bit more depth and insight into one another’s lives and I am happy to share that with you. Plus, you know those guys are not shy at passing out the smiles or spreading laughter every time they get their chance in the spotlight. Even if it is unintentional.
Photo credit to Stanton’s Photography
Let’s jump right in and see what Scotty M aka Mr. CWW had to say: