Currently on CWW this March

Since I have been pretty MIA this month I thought I would do a bit of a catch up post. Not that you have been missing much because honestly blogging wasn’t the only thing I was taking a break from.  Still I am going to attempt to help you decipher the musings of my brain head pictures as Scott would say. We will just call this one of those currently/lately type posts.  Um, kay. 

Reading // I finally finished the second Outlander book.  Two months later.  Apparently, it really speeds things along if you actually pick the book/e-reader up and read it.  Finishing it ended up shining a light on an other neglected goal.  I am apparently 8 books behind on my reading challenge.  Oops.  I know I will have plenty of time coming up to catch up and summer is coming but still – guilt.

Loving // Speaking of reading.  I am super stoked about this new site that Olya turned my onto to – Netgalley. Free books are always welcome around here. Want me to review them for ya? Of course, I would love to do that! I am actually starting my first one tonight. I picked a couple lighter reads so I could get through them a little quicker before I start my next trip through time with Jamie and Claire.    

Wanting // To actually get to see Cinderella before it leaves the theatre.  It wouldn’t be the first time I accidentally missed a movie. 

Waiting // To see Insurgent.  Gah.  My sister is coming on Easter weekend and wants to see it together.  Still too far away! I need me some Four.

Drinking // Coffee. Wine. Duh. And of course, Screenshoting all my Snapchat selfies because that is what one does when they drink wine. 
Snuggling // My cat Mary.  Now normally I am not sure if cat cuddles would make one of these lists but this one definitely does.  She has never been very affectionate.  Typical cat.  Pet me and love me on my terms only.  Being the lady of the house now she is really coming out of her shell.  Which now I feel a bit guilty about a certain someone who may have been hogging on the love.  Mary actually told me that she wants her own post.  Sort of an intro since she has been mostly in the background  supporting her brother while he grew to fame and fortune.  We are currently in contract negotiations. 

Eating // Apples and peanut butter.  Every damn day.  

Wearing // Team Edward tee and manly flannel pj bottoms.  Sexy, I know.

Needing // A new job.  Yep, that sucks. Why can’t we all just win the lottery? Well, maybe not all of us but I would be willing to split my share with anyone who comments on my post.  wink wink

Watching // Parenthood.  Let me tell you, Kerri.  I freaking love this show! Just like you said I would.  Yes, it does change my life.  Every. Damn. Episode.  I am about half way through season 4 and it is killing me.  

Pondering // Why Blogger has a nasty habit of taking out all the paragraph breaks on my posts lately.  No matter how many times I fix it. A-hole move, B.
There you have it.  Random stuff you were dying to know.  
Treasure Tromp