It was really busy as excepted but always worth the wait. There is lot of stuff to look at and keep you occupied along the way and entice you to buy.
That is the child size cone there folks! That would be Sea Salt and Caramel on top with Butter Pecan underneath. It is a toss up as to which was better. Both flavours were scrumptious. The Cookies and Cream is also a fan favourite. Yes, I am that fan but I am sure I am not the only one. In fact, I am pretty sure my sister would vouch for it too.
We saw a guy eating a triple chocolate one and felt sick just looking it. I don’t know how someone could eat that much ice cream without getting sick especially chocolate. I have enough trouble with this one.
Tickleberry’s is definitely a must stop for any Okanagan summer trip. Lucky for us it is just a nice drive along the Skaha Lake away on any given day the need strikes.
YUM! And wowwwww at the portion sizes, my kinda place!
Yes, the portion sizes are awesome! No tiny little cones here. 😉
Good night’s shirt I love me some ice cream! I’m an ice cream addict! This place looks great!
Ice cream is my favourite! Love this place.