We have started canning a few different things in an effort to help continue to eat a little cleaner. So far we have done tomato sauces, some soup and most recently salsa. We are trying to take advantage of all the fresh local produce before the end of the season.
We’ve been trying a few new things. Like eggs with fresh an avocado cilantro salsa instead of ketchup. I made a meatloaf for Scott from this amazing recipe Katie posted. I made stuffed portobello mushrooms for the first time. Delicious. A couple of different soups including the creamy mushroom one below. I used coconut milk in place of a dairy option.
I am feeling great too. The whole detox issue/beginning of this round seemed to be way easier this time than the first time around. Maybe because I knew what to expect? My body just seemed to take to take this time. Maybe because I kept a lot of the habits I formed the first time around so it wasn’t such a drastic change. Whatever it was. I am grateful for it. I haven’t really had any cravings for anything either. There was a few nights after work it would have been nice to be able to have a glass or a box of wine but I made it through with tea instead.