summer storm watching

Yesterday we had a pretty big thunder and lightening storm here.  The biggest one I have seen for a while.  It was also probably one of the closest ones I can remember.  I have always loved storm watching.  I love the smell of summer rain, the sound of it falling.  I think the way lightening brightens the sky is beautifully intense.  The sounds of thunder is thrilling.  Last night, the thunder was probably the loudest I have ever heard it.  It was shaking stuff in our house and actually startling me at times.  I loved it.

While this was probably my worst storm it wasn’t really that bad here.  There was obviously thunder and lightening and then was intense periods of flash rain.  I got totally soaked bringing the stereo in from the deck which took about 4.5 seconds.  It was much worse in other places in the province.  There was towns with flash flooding and mud slides.  The power went out in a lot of places some not expected to get power back until this afternoon.  As cool as storm watching is, I am glad that we have been lucky enough to not be harmed in any way by them.

I got to thinking about my love for storm watching and I am pretty sure I am not the only one.  Today I thought I would share some of my favourite storms to watch.

In no particular order here :

Twister is such a favourite of mine.  Cheesy and making me start to show my age a little.  The special effects are pretty good.  I can just imagine what it would be like if it was made now.

This is definitely my favourite storm of all time.  I mean, how can you not love a tornado that takes you to a magical land of munckins, witches and ruby slippers, not to mention a horse of a different color.

This trailer for Ice Age is one of my all time favourite movie trailers.  Got to love the damage a saber toothed squirrel and his nut can cause.

I could go on with clips for a while but I won’t.  There are definitely more movies that deserve to be on my storm watching list : 
  • The Perfect Storm
  • The Day After Tomorrow
  • Dante’s Peak
  • Poseidon (although this is more of a rogue wave than a storm)

If there was a number one spot of my list it would probably have to go to Disney’s Frozen.  This movie wins all.  Still.  Although, I am not sure if it really fits the storm category, it is my list and I can  do what I want with it.  I am not showing a clip but there are frequent opportunities to view this as a whole at my house.  Open invitation.  I’ll supply popcorn and wine but you must put up with the sing-along.  

Are you a storm watcher?