The Girl Behind The Blog

I may be a little more than a day late and a dollar short with this post but I wanted to blog it now anyway. You know the rules. It’s my space and I’ll blog if I want to. Belinda from Found Love Now What is hosting Blog Everyday in May. The first prompt was : Introduce Yourself. There are a lot of new faces in our little community here so I thought some random facts about me would be fun. Who knows maybe even some of my long time readers can learn a thing or two as well. 

I must have apples and peanut everyday. I think it satisfies my inner toddler.
I just booked the flights for our November cruise and now I just want it to be here already.
Those Dior sunglasses up there are my favourite. Which is kind of funny because I really wanted a different style that I had totally fallen in love with. I found them in Vegas at one of the shops in the Paris hotel a couple of years ago. They were having a deal so I ended up getting them both. I hardly ever wear the other pair. Funny how things work out. J’adore Dior.
I sleep with about 4 pillows around me at night and I can’t sleep at all without music.
I refuse to order pizza over the phone or answer the door when it arrives. Those are blue jobs. I will however order it online occasionally, if I must.
I look amazing in navy blue but never buy anything in that color because I don’t really like it. This is one of life’s mysteries.
I have the entire walk in closet to myself. I swear it still isn’t enough room. Anything the Mr. needs to hang goes in the closet in the spare room. He swears this is ok.
I was engaged twice before I met Scott but I swear I am not a runaway bride.
I get anxiety in the car but I love road trips. Stupid, I know.
I think Cheese Whiz is the most disgusting thing ever but it is delicious.
I haven’t eaten at a fast food restaurant except Subway in almost 2 years.
If you put cheese on it I will eat it.
My favourite color is green. Or purple depending on my mood
Sometimes I forget how to spell my sister’s middle name but I can remember the phone number of the guy I had crush on in 5th grade.
NKOTB were in Vancouver on Tuesday night and I am crushed I couldn’t make it down for the concert. Adult problems.
Speaking of NKOTB my lucky number is 5. You make the connection.
I have been a vegetarian for almost two years. We will talk more on that soon. Umm…kay?
My 20 year grad re-union should be this year but I don’t think they are having one. Not sure how I feel about this. On sooooo many levels.
EOS Sweet Mint is my favourite lip balm.
Instagram is my most used app on my phone. Because obsessed. I can lose serious time on there.
I never hardly ever change my necklace and when I do it is with a grudge. It is this sweet Tiffany style that I got it for my 10 year anniversary from my old company.
I suck at Pinterest but I am trying to work on it.
I have cried at Disneyland big ugly cried because I was so happy.
I only just caught on to the whole Internet Radio biz yesterday.
Let me load the dishwasher so no one gets hurt, ok?
Ok, I have to go now because I am in love with a fictional character and we have a date. A girl should not keep a red-headed Scot waiting. Ever. In the spirit of full disclosure, he is my first red-head and I am totally digging it. Stop by and say hi to Belinda! I am sure she would love to hear from you.
Found Love. Now What?