Thoughtful Spot : You Should Reconsider A Disney Vacation If

In case you haven’t noticed yet, I am a tad Disney obsessed.  For me, it truly is the Happiest Place on Earth. I am always counting down the days to our next visit.  97 exactly.  Although I love it more than just about anything any other place, I got to thinking that there may some of you that may not enjoy it.   For some of you, it might not be magical.  I know, I know I can hardly believe it myself but it could be possible.  I thought I would warn you ahead of time so I don’t send you leaping headlong into disaster on your next vacation with all my Disney hype.  So, here a list of reasons you may not find happiness or your inner child at Disneyland.
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You hate being photobombed. Who does this guy think he is anyways….a Robinson? Well Will might be but that guy smiling in the background of the second picture looks suspiciously like family.

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You are afraid of monsters.  They are all evil and scary and will just give you nightmares.
Sugar is your enemy. You have no will power and will eat the sweets ALL. THE. SWEETS. Just to let you know if you did or didn’t get your sweet tooth satisfied at the park they even leave it on the bed for you when you get back to your room. Sweet dreams. 

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You can’t stand seeing kids dressed up as their favourite characters.  If this is true you have bigger problems I can’t address here.  Seek help.  Now. 

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You don’t believe in Magic.  I am pretty sure this is a deal breaker here because whether you are 5 or 95 magic is what brings it all to life. 

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So if any of these apply to you, I would seriously reconsider a trip to Disneyland.  Well, actually any theme park really.  Maybe Six Flags would be ok? I haven’t been to one yet so I can’t say for sure.  
I am definitely going into withdrawal but are you reconsidering now?
Treasure Tromp