Writing – This post. Duh BUT Wow, two in row. Start the presses. It is getting crazy in here.
Reading – Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness. Love this trilogy.
With the final #12 ya, that’s commitment House of Night – Redeemed by PC and Kristin Cast waiting on deck.
Obsessing over – Pumpkin Chai Tea from David’s Tea. I will drink in the morning, at night, in the car, in the bath, on the road, in a boat or on a plane. You get my drift. 🙂
Seeing – Move date night last Tuesday = Gone Girl. Crazy.
Counting – Down the sleeps till I leave on a jet plane. 13
Watching – New this season – The Affair I heart Joshua Jackson, Stalker, Bad Judge and Scorpion. Undecided on the first two still. Bad Judge and Scorpion are keepers. Fingers crossed they don’t get cancelled. Everything we tried to pick up last year got cancelled. Boo on the networks. Now I am nervous.
Netflixing – Grey’s Anatomy. After being a die hard fan of this show forever I dropped it 2 or 3 seasons ago. I decided it was time to fall in love again with Meridith and McDreamy again and so am I taking it from the beginning again.
Eating – Eggs, all the eggs and I can’t stop. I am going to sprout feathers soon. Oh and Sriracha, I put that shit on everything. Mmmm. Guess what I am craving now. Yes. and chocolate melting cake 13 sleeps
Wearing – Leggings and scarves. Every damn day.
Wondering – When I can start packing……
Smelling – Pumpkin Chai candle also from David’s Tea. Delicious. I want to eat it. Now.
Loving – My Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer – Where have you been all my life. Also, I got a new rollerball perfume – Daisy Dream – Marc Jacobs you make me smell soooo good.
Wanting – This…..Badly…..
So now that you are caught up a little I hope you forgive me and my irregular posting. Pretty please with chai tea on top? 🙂